Help developing#

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This page describes some of the tools and conventions followed by Common Partial Wave Analysis. Where possible, we use the source code of the AmpForm repository as example, because its file structure is comparable to that of other ComPWA repositories.


To start developing, simply run the following from a cloned repository on your machine:

conda env create
conda activate ampform
pre-commit install --install-hooks
uv venv -p 3.10
source .venv/bin/activate
uv pip install -c .constraints/py3.10.txt -e '.[dev]'
pre-commit install --install-hooks
python3 -m venv ./venv
source ./venv/bin/activate
python3 -m pip install -c .constraints/py3.10.txt -e '.[dev]'
pre-commit install --install-hooks

Replace 3.10 with the Python version you use on your machine.

See Virtual environment for more info.

Local set-up#

Virtual environment#

When developing source code, it is safest to work within a virtual environment, so that all package dependencies and developer tools are safely contained. This is helpful in case something goes wrong with the dependencies: just trash the environment and recreate it. In addition, you can easily install other versions of the dependencies, without affecting other packages you may be working on.

Somme common tools to manage virtual environments are Conda, uv and Python’s built-in venv. In any of these cases, you have to activate the environment whenever you want to run the framework or use the developer tools.

Conda can be installed without administrator rights. It is recommended to download Miniconda, as it is much smaller than Anaconda. In addition, Conda can install more than just Python packages.

The virtual environment of repositories that provide a Conda environment file (environment.yml), can simply be created with

conda env create

Conda now creates an environment with a name that is defined in the environment.yml file. In addition, it will install the framework itself in “editable” mode, so that you can start developing right away.

If you have Python’s venv, available on your system, you can create a virtual environment with it. Navigate to some convenient folder and run:

python3 -m venv ./venv

This creates a folder called venv where all Python packages will be contained. To activate the environment, run:

source ./venv/bin/activate

Now you can safely install the package you want to work on (see “editable” mode), as well as any additional required packages (see optional dependencies):

pip install -e .

An upcoming and super fast Python package installer is uv. It can be installed without administrator rights and comes with its own venv command to manage virtual environments. Here’s how to do it for a specific Python version:[2]

uv venv -p 3.10

This creates a folder called .venv where all Python packages will be contained. To activate the environment, run:

source .venv/bin/activate

You can safely install the package you want to work on (see “editable” mode), as well as any additional required packages (see optional dependencies):

uv pip install -e .


Install direnv if a repository contains a .envrc file. This ensures that the appropriate environment is activates once you navigate into the repository!

Editable installation#

When developing a package, it is most convenient if you install it in “editable” mode. This allows you to tweak the source code and try out new ideas immediately, because the source code is considered the ‘installation’.

With pip install, a package can be installed in “editable” mode with the -e flag. Simply clone the repository you want to work on, navigate into it, and run:

python3 -m pip install -e .

Internally, this calls:

python3 develop

This will also install all dependencies required by the package.

Optional dependencies#

Some packages suggest optional dependencies. They can be installed with pip’s “extras” syntax. Some examples would be:

pip install tensorwaves[jax,scipy]
pip install .[test]  # local directory, not editable
pip install -e .[dev]  #  editable + all dev requirements
pip install "tensorwaves[jax,scipy]"
pip install ".[test]"  # local directory, not editable
pip install -e ".[dev]"  #  editable + all dev requirements

Developers require several additional tools besides the dependencies required to run the package itself (see Automated coding conventions). All those additional requirements can be installed with the last example.

Pinning dependency versions#

To ensure that developers use exactly the same versions of the package dependencies and developer requirements, some of the repositories provide constraint files. These files can be used to ‘pin’ all versions of installed packages as follows:

python3 -m pip install -c .constraints/py3.10.txt -e .

The syntax works just as well for Optional dependencies:

python3 -m pip install -c .constraints/py3.10.txt -e .[doc,sty]
python3 -m pip install -c .constraints/py3.10.txt -e .[test]
python3 -m pip install -c .constraints/py3.10.txt -e .[dev]
python3 -m pip install -c .constraints/py3.10.txt -e ".[doc,sty]"
python3 -m pip install -c .constraints/py3.10.txt -e ".[test]"
python3 -m pip install -c .constraints/py3.10.txt -e ".[dev]"

The constraint files are updated automatically with pip-tools through GitHub Actions. See requirements-pr.yml and requirements-cron.yml.


Constraint files ensure that the framework is deterministic and reproducible (up to testing) for all commits and versions, which is vital for both users (doing analysis) and for developers (for instance with continuous integration). In other words, it provides a way out of “dependency hell”.


It may be that new commits in the repository modify the dependencies. In that case, you have to rerun this command after pulling new commits from the repository:

git checkout main
git pull
pip install -c .constraints/py3.10.txt -e .[dev]
git checkout main
git pull
pip install -c .constraints/py3.10.txt -e ".[dev]"

If you still have problems, it may be that certain dependencies have become redundant. In that case, trash the virtual environment and create a new one.


Julia is an upcoming programming language in High-Energy Physics. While ComPWA is mainly developed in Python, we try to taylor to new trends and are experimenting with Julia as well.

Julia can be downloaded here or can be installed within your virtual environment with juliaup. To install Julia system-wide in Linux and Mac, you’ll have to unpack the downloaded tar file to a location that is easily accessible. Here’s an example, where we also make the Julia executable available to the system:

Install juliaup for installing and managing Julia versions.

conda install juliaup -c conda-forge
Optional: select Julia version

By default, this provides you with the latest Julia release. Optionally, you can switch versions as follows:

conda install juliaup -c conda-forge
juliaup add 1.9
juliaup default 1.9

You can switch back to the latest version with:

juliaup default release
cd ~/Downloads
tar xzf julia-1.10.3-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
mkdir ~/opt ~/bin
mv julia-1.10.3 ~/opt/
ln -s ~/opt/julia-1.10.3/bin/julia ~/bin/julia

Make sure that ~/bin is listed in the PATH environment variable, e.g. by updating it through your .bashrc file:

export PATH="~/bin:$PATH"
cd ~/Downloads
tar xzf julia-1.10.3-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
sudo mv julia-1.10.3 /opt/
sudo ln -s /opt/julia-1.10.3/bin/julia /usr/local/bin/julia

Just as in Python, it’s safest to work with a virtual environment. You can read more about Julia environments here. An environment is defined through a Project.toml file (which defines direct dependencies) and a Manifest.toml file (which exactly pins the installed versions of all recursive dependencies). Don’t touch these files―they are automatically managed by the package manager. It does make sense though to commit both Project.toml and Manifest.toml files, so that the environment is reproducible for each commit (see also Pinning dependency versions).

See also

Have a look here if you want to integrate Jupyter notebooks with Julia kernels into your documentation.

Automated coding conventions#

Where possible, we define and enforce our coding conventions through automated tools, instead of describing them in documentation. These tools perform their checks when you commit files locally (see Pre-commit), when running tox, and when you make a pull request.

The tools are mainly configured through pyproject.toml and the workflow files under .github. These configuration files are kept up to date through the ComPWA/policy repository, which essentially defines the developer environment across all ComPWA repositories.

If you run into persistent linting errors, this may mean we need to further specify our conventions. In that case, it’s best to create an issue or a pull request at ComPWA/policy and propose a policy change that can be formulated through those config files.


All style checks are enforced through a tool called pre-commit. It’s best to activate this tool locally as well. This has to be done only once, after you clone the repository:

pre-commit install --install-hooks

Upon committing, pre-commit runs a set of checks as defined in the file .pre-commit-config.yaml over all staged files. You can also quickly run all checks over all indexed files in the repository with the command:

pre-commit run -a

Whenever you submit a pull request, this command is automatically run on GitHub actions and on , ensuring that all files in the repository follow the same conventions as set in the config files of these tools.


More thorough checks can be run in one go with the following command:

tox -p

This command will run pytest, perform all style checks, build the documentation, and verify cross-references in the documentation and the API. It’s especially recommended to run tox before submitting a pull request!

More specialized tox job are defined in the pyproject.toml config file, under each testenv section under legacy_tox_ini. You can list all environments, along with a description of what they do, by running:

tox list

GitHub Actions#

All style checks, testing of the documentation and links, and unit tests are performed upon each pull request through GitHub Actions (see status overview here). The checks are defined under the .github folder. All checks performed for each PR have to pass before the PR can be merged.

Style checks#


Formatters are tools that automatically format source code, or some document. Naturally, this speeds up your own programming, but these tools are particularly important when collaborating, because a standardized format avoids line conflicts in Git and makes diffs in code review easier to read.

For the Python source code, we use black and isort (through Ruff). For other code, we use Prettier. All of these formatters are “opinionated formatters”: they offer only limited configuration options, as to make formatting as conform as possible.

Pre-commit performs some additional formatting jobs. For instance, it formats Jupyter notebooks with nbQA and strips them of any output cells with nbstripout.


Linters point out when certain style conventions are not correctly followed. Unlike with formatters, you have to fix the errors yourself. As mentioned in Automated coding conventions, style conventions are formulated in config files. The main linter that ComPWA projects use, is Ruff.


Throughout this repository, we follow American English (en-us) spelling conventions. As a tool, we use cSpell, because it allows to check variable names in camel case and snake case. This way, a spelling checker helps you avoid mistakes in the code as well! cSpell is enforced through pre-commit.

Accepted words are tracked through the .cspell.json file. As with the other config files, .cspell.json formulates our conventions with regard to spelling and can be continuously updated while our code base develops. In the file, the words section lists words that you want to see as suggested corrections, while ignoreWords are just the words that won’t be flagged. Try to be sparse in adding words: if some word is just specific to one file, you can ignore it inline, or you can add the file to the ignorePaths section if you want to ignore it completely.

It is easiest to use cSpell in Visual Studio code, through the Code Spell Checker extension: it provides linting, suggests corrections from the words section, and enables you to quickly add or ignore words through the .cspell.json file.


The fastest way to run all tests is with the command:

pytest -n auto

The flag -n auto causes pytest to run with a distributed strategy.

Try to keep test coverage high. You can compute current coverage by running

tox -e cov

and opening htmlcov/index.html in a browser.

To get an idea of performance per component, run

pytest --profile-svg

and check the stats and the prof/combined.svg output file.


Jupyter notebooks can also be used as tests. See more info here.


The documentation that you find on ComPWA pages like is built with Sphinx. Sphinx also builds the API page of the packages and therefore checks whether the docstrings in the Python source code are valid and correctly interlinked.

We make use of Markedly Structured Text (MyST), so you can write the documentation in both Markdown and reStructuredText. In addition, it’s easy to write (interactive) code examples in Jupyter notebooks and host them on the website (see MyST-NB)!

Documentation preview#

You can quickly build the documentation with the command:

tox -e doc

If you are doing a lot of work on the documentation, sphinx-autobuild is a nice tool to use. Just run:

tox -e doclive

This will start a server where you can continuously preview the changes you make to the documentation.

Finally, a nice feature of Read the Docs, where we host our documentation, is that documentation is built for each pull request as well. This means that you can view the documentation for your changes as well. For more info, see here, or just click “details” under the RTD check once you submit your PR.

Jupyter Notebooks#

The docs folder can also contain Jupyter notebooks. These notebooks are rendered as HTML by MyST-NB. The notebooks are also run and tested whenever you make a pull request, so they also serve as integration tests.

If you want to improve those notebooks, we recommend working with Jupyter Lab, which is installed with the dev requirements. Jupyter Lab offers a nicer developer experience than the default Jupyter notebook editor does. A few useful Jupyter Lab plugins are also installed through the optional dependencies.

Now, if you want to test all notebooks in the documentation folder and check what their output cells will look like in the Documentation, you can do this with:

tox -e docnb

This command takes more time than tox -e doc, but it is good practice to do this before you submit a pull request. It’s also possible to continuously generate the HTML pages including cell output while you work on the notebooks with:

EXECUTE_NB= tox -e doclive


Notebooks are automatically formatted through pre-commit (see Formatting). If you want to format the notebooks automatically as you’re working, you can do so with jupyterlab-code-formatter, which is automatically installed with the dev requirements.

For this, you need to set Ruff as the formatter (see Formatting) for jupyterlab-code-formatter:

  1. Open Jupyter Lab Settings (Ctrl+, / ⌘+,).

  2. Select the “Jupyterlab Code Formatter” plugin from the left sidebar.

  3. Under default_formatter, list two Python formatters: ruffformat and ruff. The first is the actual Ruff formatter that mimics black, the second is for Ruff auto-fixes of linting rules. (The default formatters are isort and black—you should overwrite these.)

  4. Optional: Activate format-on-save by ticking “Auto format config”.

Alternatively, you can open the settings for the “Jupyterlab Code Formatter” as JSON and set it to:

  "preferences": {
    "default_formatter": {
      "python": ["ruffformat", "ruff"]
  "formatOnSave": true

IJulia notebooks#

It’s also possible to execute and render Jupyter notebooks with Julia kernels. For this, install Julia and install IJulia:

julia -e 'import Pkg; Pkg.add("IJulia")'
import Pkg

Usually, this also installs a Jupyter kernel directly. Optionally, you can define a Jupyter kernel manually:

julia -e 'using IJulia; installkernel("julia")'
using IJulia

and select it as kernel in the Jupyter notebook.


As mentioned in Julia, Julia can be installed within your Conda environment through juliaup. This is, however, not yet a virtual environment for Julia itself. You can create a virtual environment for Julia itself by for instance defining it through a code cell like this:

using Pkg
Pkg.activate(".")  # if environment is defined in this folder

See TR-019 for an example.

Additionally, you can install a Language Server for Julia in Jupyter Lab. To do so, run:

julia -e 'import Pkg; Pkg.add("LanguageServer")'
using Pkg


The source code of all ComPWA repositories is maintained with Git and GitHub. We keep track of issues with the code, documentation, and developer set-up with GitHub issues (see for instance here). This is also the place where you can report bugs.


If you are new to working with GitHub, have a look at the tutorials on GitHub Skills. For good tutorials on Git, see:

Issue management#

We keep track of issue dependencies, time estimates, planning, pipeline statuses, et cetera with GitHub project boards (GitHub Issues). The main project boards are:

Some issues are not public. To get access, you can request to become member of the ComPWA GitHub organization. Other information that is publicly available are:

  • Issue labels: help to categorize issues by type (maintenance, enhancement, bug, etc.). The labels are also used to in the sub-sections of the release notes.

  • Milestones: way to bundle issues and PRs for upcoming releases.

  • Releases.

All of these are important for the Release flow and therefore also serve as a way to document the framework.

Branching model#

While our aim is to maintain long-term, stable projects, PWA software projects are academic projects that are subject to change and often require swift modifications or new features for ongoing analyses. For this reason, we work in different layers of development. These layers are represented by Git branches.

Epic branches

stable branch#

Represents the latest release of the package that can be found on both the GitHub release page and on PyPI (see Release flow). The documentation of the stable branch is also the default view you see on Read the Docs (RTD). See e.g.

main branch#

Represents the upcoming release of the package. This branch is not guaranteed to be stable, but has high CI standards and can only be updated through reviewed pull requests. The documentation of the main branch can be found on RTD under “latest”, see e.g.

Epic branches#

When working on a feature or larger refactoring that may take a longer time (think of implementing a new PWA formalism), we isolate its development under an ‘epic branch’, separate from the main branch. Eventually, this epic branch is to be merged back into the main, until then it is available for discussion and testing.

Pull requests to an epic branch require no code review and the CI checks are less strict. This allows for faster development, while still offering the possibility to discuss new implementations and keeping track of related issues.

Epic branches can be installed through PyPI as well. Say that a certain epic is located under the branch epic/some-title and that the source code is located under, it can be installed as follows:

python3 -m pip install git+

Feature branches#

The main branch and Epic branches can be updated through pull requests. It is best to create such a pull request from a separate branch, which does not have any CI or code review restrictions. We call this a “feature branch”.

Commit conventions#

  • Please use conventional commit messages: start the commit with one of the semantic keywords below in UPPER CASE, followed by a column, then the commit header. The message itself should be in imperative mood — just imagine the commit to give a command to the code framework. So for instance:

    DX: implement coverage report tools
    FIX: remove typo in raised `ValueError` message
    MAINT: remove redundant print statements
    DOC: rewrite welcome pages
    BREAK: remove `formulate_model()` alias method

    The allowed semantic keywords (commit types) are as follows:[1]

    Commit type

    Repository label



    #C2E0C6 ✨ Feature

    New feature added to the package


    #C2E0C6 ⚙️ Enhancement

    Improvements and optimizations of existing features


    #e11d21 🐛 Bug

    Bug has been fixed


    #F9D0C4 ⚠️ Interface

    Breaking changes to the API


    #F9D0C4 ❗ Behavior

    Changes that may affect the framework output


    #bfd4f2 📝 Docs

    Improvements or additions to documentation


    #FFCD8F 🔨 Maintenance

    Maintenance and upkeep improvements


    #FEF2C0 🖱️ DX

    Improvements to the Developer Experience

  • Keep pull requests small. If the issue you try to address is too big, discuss in the team whether the issue can be converted into an Epic and split up into smaller tasks.

  • Before creating a pull request, run Tox.

  • Also use a conventional commit message style for the PR title. This is because we follow a linear commit history and the PR title will become the eventual commit message. A linear commit history is important for the Release flow and it is easier to navigate through changes once something goes wrong. In fact, in a linear commit history, commits that a have been merged into the main branch become more like small intermediate patches between the minor and major releases.

    Note that a conventional commit message style is enforced through GitHub Actions with commitlint, as well as a check on PR labels (see example here). The commit messages are centrally defined for the ComPWA organization at ComPWA/commitlint-config.

  • PRs can only be merged through ‘squash and merge’. There, you will see a summary based on the separate commits that constitute this PR. Leave the relevant commits in as bullet points. See the commit history for examples. This comes in especially handy when drafting a release!

Release flow#

Releases are managed with the GitHub release page, see for instance the one for AmpForm. The release notes there are automatically generated from the PRs that were merged into the main branch since the previous tag and can be viewed and edited as a release draft if you are a member of the ComPWA organization. Each of the entries are generated from the PR titles, categorized by issue label (see configuration in .github/release-drafter.yml).

Once a release is made on GitHub for a repository with source code for a Python package, a new version is automatically published on PyPI and the stable branch is updated to this latest tag. The package version is taken from the Git tag associated with the release on GitHub (see setuptools-scm). This way, the release notes on GitHub serve as a changelog as well!

Release tags have to follow the Semantic Versioning scheme! This ensures that the tag can be used by setuptools-scm (in case the repository is a Python package). In addition, milestones with the same name as the release tag are automatically closed.

Code editors#

Even though we try to standardize the developer set-up of the repositories, we encourage you to use the code editors that you feel comfortable with. Where possible, we therefore define settings of linters, formatters, etc in config files that are specific to those tools (using pyproject.toml where possible), not in the configuration files of the editors.

Still, where code editor settings can be shared through configuration files in the repository, we provide recommended settings for the code editor as well. This is especially the case for VSCode.


We are open to other code editors as well. An example would be maintaining a local vimrc for users who prefer VIM. Other IDEs we’d like to support are PyCharm, Atom, IntelliJ with Python. So we’ll gladly integrate your editor settings where possible as you contribute to the frameworks!

Visual Studio code#

We recommend using Visual Studio Code as it’s free, regularly updated, and very flexible through it’s wide offer of user extensions.

If you add or open this repository as a VSCode workspace, the file .vscode/settings.json will ensure that you have the right developer settings for this repository. In addition, VSCode will automatically recommend you to install a number of extensions that we use when working on this code base. They are defined in the .vscode/extensions.json file.

You can still specify your own settings in either the user or encompassing workspace settings, as the VSCode settings that come with this are folder settings.

Conda and VSCode

ComPWA projects are best developed with Conda and VSCode. The complete developer install procedure then becomes:

git clone  # or some other repo
cd ampform
conda env create
conda activate pwa  # or whatever the environment name is
code .  # open folder in VSCode

Writing durable software#

ComPWA strives to follow best practices from software development in industry. Following these standards not only makes the code easier to maintain and the software more reliable, it also provides you with the opportunity to learn about these practices while developing the code-base. Below you can find some resources we highly recommend you to be familiar with.

Software development in Python

Clean Code

Test-Driven Development

Software Design




Download this bibliography as BibTeX here.


B. Slatkin. Effective Python: 90 Specific Ways to Write Better Python. Addison-Wesley, November 2019. ISBN:978-0-13-485398-7.


R. C. Martin, editor. Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2009. ISBN:978-0-13-235088-4.


H. Percival. Test-Driven Development with Python: Obey the Testing Goat: Using Django, Selenium, and JavaScript. O'Reilly Media, Sebastopol, CA, second edition edition, 2017. ISBN:978-1-4919-5870-4.


K. Beck. Test-Driven Development by Example. The Addison-Wesley Signature Series. Addison-Wesley, Boston, 2003. ISBN:978-0-321-14653-3.


E. Gamma, editor. Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software. Addison-Wesley Professional Computing Series. Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass, 1995. ISBN:978-0-201-63361-0.


R. Sedgewick and K. D. Wayne. Algorithms. Addison-Wesley, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 4th edition, 2011. ISBN:978-0-321-57351-3.