Common Partial-Wave-Analysis Framework
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 CComPWA::Data::Ascii::AsciiHeaderRepresentation of data contained in an ASCII header
 CChiOneDSimple $\chi^{2}$-Estimator
 CComPWA::Tools::Plotting::DalitzHistoSimple class to create and fill Dalitz plots
 CComPWA::EfficiencyBase class for efficiency description over the phase space
 CComPWA::Data::Root::RootEfficiencyEfficiency provided by a histogram
 CComPWA::UnitEfficiencyEfficiency object with unit efficiency all over the phase space
 CComPWA::FunctionTree::TreeNodeTreeNode is the basic building block of the FunctionTree
 CComPWA::EventData structure containing all kinematic information of a physics event
 CComPWA::ExceptionComPWA Exceptions base class
 CComPWA::FitParameter< T >
 CComPWA::FitParameter< double >
 CComPWA::FitResultData structure which resembles a general fit result
 CComPWA::Physics::Dynamics::FormFactorDefines interface for form factors It should be noted that when exchanging various form factor implementations in the code, no correctness of the mathematical description is guaranteed
 CComPWA::Physics::Dynamics::BlattWeisskopfFormFactorBlatt-Weisskopf form factors with normalization F(x=mR) = 1
 CComPWA::Physics::Dynamics::CrystalBarrelFormFactorForm factor for a0(980) used by Crystal Barrel (Phys.Rev.D78-074023)
 CComPWA::FourMomentumComPWA four momentum class
 CComPWA::Function< OutputType, InputTypes >Interface template for a general Function of the form OutputType Function(InputTypes) The concept closely follows the mathematical definition of a function/mapping
 CComPWA::Function< double >
 CComPWA::Estimator::Estimator< double >
 CComPWA::Function< OutputType >
 CComPWA::Estimator::Estimator< OutputType >This class template provides the interface to implementations, which estimate the "closeness" of a Function to a data set, with respect to the parameters of the Function
 CGenevaIFWrapper of the Geneva Optimizer library
 CComPWA::KinematicsThe Kinematics interface defines the conversion of Events to a DataSet
 CComPWA::Physics::EvtGen::DalitzKinematicsImplementation of the ComPWA::Kinematics interface for amplitude models using the helicity formalism
 CComPWA::Physics::HelicityFormalism::HelicityKinematicsImplementation of the ComPWA::Kinematics interface for amplitude models using the helicity formalism
 CComPWA::LoggingLogging class provides an interface for logging all over the framework
 CComPWA::Optimizer::Optimizer< FitResultType, EstimatorType >This class template provides the interface to optimization libraries
 CComPWA::Optimizer::Optimizer< GenevaResult >
 CComPWA::Optimizer::Optimizer< MinuitResult >
 CComPWA::Optimizer::Minuit2::MinuitIFWrapper of the Minuit2 Optimizer library
 CComPWA::FunctionTree::ParameterBase class for internal parameter
 CComPWA::FunctionTree::Value< T >
 CComPWA::FunctionTree::ParameterListThis class provides a list of parameters and values of different types
 CComPWA::FunctionTree::ParObserverParObserver Base class parameter observer
 CComPWA::FunctionTree::TreeNodeTreeNode is the basic building block of the FunctionTree
 CComPWA::PhaseSpaceEventGeneratorInterface class for PHSP event generators
 CComPWA::Tools::Plotting::RootPlotDataAllows output of a data sample and an Intensity (and optionally its components) into a ROOT file via TTrees
 CComPWA::FunctionTree::StrategyVirtual base class for operations of FunctionTree nodes
 CComPWA::FunctionTree::AddAllCalculates the square root of input double values and double parameters
 CComPWA::FunctionTree::InverseCalculates the inverse of input double values and double parameters
 CComPWA::FunctionTree::SquareRootCalculates the square root of input double values and double parameters
 CComPWA::Physics::SubSystemDefinition of a two-body decay node within a sequential decay tree
 CUniformRealDistributionInterface class for generating random doubles in the range [0,1)