Common Partial-Wave-Analysis Framework
Todo List
Member ComPWA::Physics::PhspVolume (double s, std::vector< double > &FSMasses, std::size_t SampleSize=1000)

Better to reuse this sample per recursion. Now it is regenerated for each iteration.

Implement errors (second member of the pair).

Algorithm might be improved with Simpson's rule, because we integrate over a function that is polynomial in the limit $m_i\rightarrow 0$

Implement errors (second member of the pair).

Algorithm might be improved with Simpson's rule, because we integrate over a function that is polynomial in the limit $m_i\rightarrow 0$

Implement errors (second member of the pair).

Algorithm might be improved with Simpson's rule, because we integrate over a function that is polynomial in the limit $m_i\rightarrow 0$