Common Partial Wave Analysis#

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The “Common Partial Wave Analysis” organization (ComPWA) aims to make amplitude analysis accessible through transparent and interactive documentation, modern software development tools, and collaboration-independent frameworks. One major novelty is that we formulate amplitude models symbolically with a Computer Algebra System, which results in a self-documenting workflow with high-performance, backend-agnostic computations.

Contact details can be found here on our GitHub organization page.

Symbolic amplitude models

Read more about computations with symbolic amplitude models here.

Symbolic amplitude models

Main projects#

ComPWA maintains three main Python packages with which you can do a full partial wave analysis. The packages are designed as libraries, so that they can be used separately by other projects.

Each of these libraries come with interactive and interlinked documentation that is intended to bring theory and code closer together. The PWA Pages takes that one step further: it is an independent and easy-to-maintain documentation project that can serve as a central place to gather links to PWA theory and software.


Documentation build status 10.5281/zenodo.5526360 PyPI package Conda package
Rule-based particle reaction problem solver on a quantum number level


Documentation build status 10.5281/zenodo.5526648 PyPI package Conda package
Automatically generate symbolic amplitude models for Partial Wave Analysis


Documentation build status 10.5281/zenodo.5526650 PyPI package Conda package
Convert large symbolic expressions to numerical differentiable functions for performing fast fits on large data samples

PWA Pages

Documentation build status
A central knowledge-base for Partial Wave Analysis theory and software

Finally, the technical reports describe more general tips and tricks, some of which can be of interest to general Python users as well!

Deprecated projects

The main packages listed above originate from the following, deprecated projects:

  • ComPWA: a single framework for Partial Wave Analysis written in C++.

  • pycompwa: the Python interface of ComPWA, which also hosted a first version of the PWA Expert System.

  • PWA Expert System (split into QRules and AmpForm).

Long-term development#

Partial Wave Analysis is a complicated research discipline, where several aspects of quantum field theory, experimental physics, statistics, regression analysis, and high-performance computing come together. This has led to a large number of PWA frameworks that taylor to the need of each collaboration.

This state of affairs is only natural: research requires a flexible and specialized approach. If, say, some background component shows up in an ongoing analysis, one may need to implement some formalism that can handle it or add some alignment parameters that were not yet supplied by the framework. It’s therefore hard to facilitate ongoing research, while at the same time developing a general, long-term PWA tool.

This situation however has a few major disadvantages:

  • Collaborations usually start developing a PWA framework from scratch. It therefore takes years for packages to move beyond the basic PWA formalisms.

  • Development is slow, because expertise is splintered: every group is working on their own package.

  • Results become unreliable: the fewer people use a package, the more bugs will remain unnoticed.

  • Once developers leave, the framework collapses. Sadly, this happens more often than not, as developers are usually scientists on short-term contracts.

ComPWA attempts to break this with the following ideals:

The first point is crucial. ComPWA rather sacrifices functionality for design and developer experience related developments. Many other frameworks have started with the same ideal of having a good software design etc., but soon begin to drop those ideals for the understandable reasons described above. We believe that only by sticking to those ideals, it is possible to maintain a long-term and collaboration-independent common tool.

Developer Experience#

PWA is performed by researchers and this field of study is but relatively small. In practice, users of PWA frameworks are therefore close to the development of the framework itself. This means that, ideally, the gap between the developer and the user should remain as small as possible.

In order to close this gap as best as possible, ComPWA follows the following ideas:

  1. Frameworks are built up as modular libraries with an accessible and well-documented API (see for example here). Users preferably set up their analysis through Jupyter notebooks or scripts that use these libraries. This allows the user to adapt to the specific challenges that their research challenges pose, while at the same time thinking along or improving the with the design and features offered by the library.

  2. New features are added to the library with care, as to not let the library grow over time with features that are specific to certain analyses. Procedures are kept small and general enough, so that they can be used by different user scripts. This relates to 1., because the API and underlying code base should remain understandable.

  3. It should be easy to make the step from using the library to contributing to the source code. The main starting points are the example pages provided by each library (accessible without any software but a browser). From there, it should be just a matter of a running few command lines to start modifying and trying out changes to the code-bases (see e.g. Local set-up) in a standardized and automated environment.

  4. Developments industry techniques and software development tools are followed closely. Despite the specific nature of PWA, many aspects can be performed or supported by existing technologies or packages. Think of the regression process that forms the basis of Machine Learning, but also the growing number of tools that are popular in data science, like Pandas and Jupyter notebooks.

  5. As frameworks are open source and users and developers come and go, decision making is recorded as thoroughly as possible. Fortunately, Git (commit history) and GitHub (issues, PRs, and discussions) make this extremely easy. In addition, larger decisions are recorded in the form of ADRs and explorations of challenges posed by physics and software are hosted in the form of technical reports.


  • Code modularity and transparency. For example, separation of qrules, ampform, and tensorwaves. The former two include all of the physics, while tensorwaves can use these amplitude models and perform fits, but aims to keep physics logic contained upstream.

  • Keep the code simple by sticking to the core responsibility: construct amplitude models and fitting them to data. Avoid “feature creep”!

  • Accommodate both stable development and flexibility for ongoing analyses (see e.g. Branching model).

  • ComPWA values the open-closed principle. Where possible, libraries are intended to give users the flexibility to insert custom behavior (like custom dynamics) without having to introduce new updates to the library.

Open source#

ComPWA repositories are intended to be collaboration-independent. As such, they are always public and open source and free to try out and re-use under the Apache license.

At the same time, open source projects come with many challenges: it is crucial to maintain strict standards for the code-base from the start, when anyone is allowed to contribute.

User Experience#

PWA is a difficult field to get into and to navigate around. ComPWA therefore puts most effort into maintaining easily navigable and interactive documentation that narrows the gap between code and theory.

  • All libraries provide example pages (see e.g. here). These pages are written as Jupyter notebook and provide a close link between code (how to use the library in a script, with links to the API) and theory (explanations of the basics being performed).

  • Texts on the web-pages are thoroughly interlinked, so that the reader can easily to navigate to literature or external resources for more information. The intention is to make PWA a more accessible field for newcomers and to provide reference to the literature that was consulted for the implementation.

  • Almost all ComPWA libraries are written in Python. This makes it easy for analysis users to install and use. In addition, the Python community has developed excellent tools that make it easy to document and maintain a clean codebase, so that is easy to make the step to become a developer.

This page is combines documentation on projects provided by the ComPWA organization on GitHub. It is more technical than the PWA Pages and focuses on the ComPWA organization only. Read more about our ideals and ongoing projects on the main page.