Subclassing sympy.Expr

Subclassing sympy.Expr#

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from __future__ import annotations

from abc import abstractmethod
from import Callable

import sympy as sp
from helpers import (

The major disadvantage of Subclassing sympy.Function, is that there is no way to identify which Symbols are variables and which are parameters. This can be solved by sub-classing from sympy.core.expr.Expr.

An example of a class that does this is WignerD. There, the implementation of the dynamics expression can be evaluated through a doit() call. This method can call anything, but sympy seems to follow the convention that it returns an ‘evaluated’ version of the class itself, where ‘evaluated’ means that any randomly named method of the class has been called on the *args that are implemented through the __new__ method (the examples below make this clearer).

For our purposes, the follow DynamicsExpr base class illustrates the interface that we expect. Here, evaluate is where expression is implemented and (just as in Subclassing sympy.Function) from_graph is the builder method.

class DynamicsExpr(sp.Expr):
    def __new__(cls, *args: sp.Symbol, **hints) -> sp.Expr:

    def doit(self, **hints) -> sp.Expr:

    def evaluate(self) -> sp.Expr:

    def from_graph(cls, graph: StateTransitionGraph, edge_id: int) -> sp.Basic:

The __new__ and doit methods split the construction from the evaluation of the expression. This allows one to distinguish variables and parameters and present them as properties:

class RelativisticBreitWigner(DynamicsExpr):
    def __new__(cls, *args: sp.Symbol, **hints) -> sp.Expr:
        if len(args) != 3:
            msg = f"3 parameters expected, got {len(args)}"
            raise ValueError(msg)
        args = sp.sympify(args)
        evaluate = hints.get("evaluate", False)
        if evaluate:
            return sp.Expr.__new__(cls, *args).evaluate()
        return sp.Expr.__new__(cls, *args)

    def mass(self) -> sp.Symbol:
        return self.args[0]

    def mass0(self) -> sp.Symbol:
        return self.args[1]

    def gamma0(self) -> sp.Symbol:
        return self.args[2]

    def variables(self) -> set[sp.Symbol]:
        return {self.mass}

    def parameters(self) -> set[sp.Symbol]:
        return {self.mass0, self.gamma0}

    def doit(self, **hints) -> sp.Expr:
        return RelativisticBreitWigner(*self.args, **hints, evaluate=True)

    def evaluate(self) -> sp.Expr:
        return (
            * self.mass0
            / (self.mass0**2 - self.mass**2 - self.gamma0 * self.mass0 * sp.I)

    def from_graph(
        cls, graph: StateTransitionGraph, edge_id: int
    ) -> RelativisticBreitWigner:
        edge_ids = determine_attached_final_state(graph, edge_id)
        final_state_ids = map(str, edge_ids)
        mass = sp.Symbol(f"m_{{{'+'.join(final_state_ids)}}}")
        particle, _ = graph.get_edge_props(edge_id)
        mass0 = sp.Symbol(f"m_{{{particle.latex}}}")
        gamma0 = sp.Symbol(Rf"\Gamma_{{{particle.latex}}}")
        return cls(mass, mass0, gamma0)
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class RelativisticBreitWignerWithFF(DynamicsExpr):
    def __new__(cls, *args: sp.Symbol, **hints) -> sp.Expr:
        if len(args) != 7:
            msg = f"7 parameters expected, got {len(args)}"
            raise ValueError(msg)
        args = sp.sympify(args)
        evaluate = hints.get("evaluate", False)
        if evaluate:
            return sp.Expr.__new__(cls, *args).evaluate()
        return sp.Expr.__new__(cls, *args)

    def doit(self, **hints) -> sp.Expr:
        return RelativisticBreitWignerWithFF(*self.args, **hints, evaluate=True)

    def mass(self) -> sp.Symbol:
        return self.args[0]

    def mass0(self) -> sp.Symbol:
        return self.args[1]

    def gamma0(self) -> sp.Symbol:
        return self.args[2]

    def m_a(self) -> sp.Symbol:
        return self.args[3]

    def m_b(self) -> sp.Symbol:
        return self.args[4]

    def angular_momentum(self) -> sp.Symbol:
        return self.args[5]

    def meson_radius(self) -> sp.Symbol:
        return self.args[6]

    def evaluate(self) -> sp.Expr:
        # Computed variables
        q_squared = two_body_momentum_squared(self.mass, self.m_a, self.m_b)
        q0_squared = two_body_momentum_squared(self.mass0, self.m_a, self.m_b)
        ff2 = blatt_weisskopf(q_squared, self.meson_radius, self.angular_momentum)
        ff02 = blatt_weisskopf(q0_squared, self.meson_radius, self.angular_momentum)
        width = (
            * (self.mass0 / self.mass)
            * (ff2 / ff02)
            * sp.sqrt(q_squared / q0_squared)
        # Expression
        return (
            RelativisticBreitWigner(self.mass, self.mass0, width)
            * self.mass0
            * self.gamma0
            * sp.sqrt(ff2)

    def from_graph(
        cls, graph: StateTransitionGraph, edge_id: int
    ) -> RelativisticBreitWignerWithFF:
        edge_ids = determine_attached_final_state(graph, edge_id)
        final_state_ids = map(str, edge_ids)
        mass = sp.Symbol(f"m_{{{'+'.join(final_state_ids)}}}")
        particle, _ = graph.get_edge_props(edge_id)
        mass0 = sp.Symbol(f"m_{{{particle.latex}}}")
        gamma0 = sp.Symbol(Rf"\Gamma_{{{particle.latex}}}")
        m_a = sp.Symbol(f"m_{edge_ids[0]}")
        m_b = sp.Symbol(f"m_{edge_ids[1]}")
        angular_momentum = particle.spin  # helicity formalism only!
        meson_radius = sp.Symbol(Rf"R_{{{particle.latex}}}")
        return cls(

The following illustrates the difference with Subclassing sympy.Function. First, notice that a class derived from DynamicsExpr is still identifiable upon construction:

m, m0, w0 = sp.symbols(R"m m_0 \Gamma")
rel_bw = RelativisticBreitWigner(m, m0, w0)
\[\displaystyle RelativisticBreitWigner\left(m, m_{0}, \Gamma\right)\]

The way in which this expression is rendered in a Jupyter notebook can be changed by overwriting the _pretty and/or _latex methods.

Only once doit() is called, is the DynamicsExpr converted into a mathematical expression:

evaluated_bw = rel_bw.doit()
\[\displaystyle \frac{\Gamma m_{0}}{- i \Gamma m_{0} - m^{2} + m_{0}^{2}}\]
    sp.Abs(evaluated_bw.subs({m0: 1, w0: 0.2})),
    (m, 0, 2),
    axis_center=(0, 0),
    ylim=(0, 1),


There are a lot of implicit conventions that need to be followed to provide a correct implementation of a DynamicsExpr. Some of this may be mitigated by proving some class decorator that can easily construct the __new__() and doit() methods for you.

def dynamics_expression(
    n_args: int,
) -> Callable[[type], type[DynamicsExpr]]:
    def decorator(decorated_class: type) -> type[DynamicsExpr]:
        def __new__(cls, *args: sp.Symbol, **hints) -> sp.Expr:
            if len(args) != n_args:
                msg = f"{n_args} parameters expected, got {len(args)}"
                raise ValueError(msg)
            args = sp.sympify(args)
            evaluate = hints.get("evaluate", False)
            if evaluate:
                return sp.Expr.__new__(cls, *args).evaluate()
            return sp.Expr.__new__(cls, *args)

        def doit(self, **hints) -> sp.Expr:
            return decorated_class(*self.args, **hints, evaluate=True)

        decorated_class.__new__ = __new__
        decorated_class.doit = doit
        return decorated_class

    return decorator

This saves some lines of code:

class Gauss(DynamicsExpr):
    def mass(self) -> sp.Symbol:
        return self.args[0]

    def mu(self) -> sp.Symbol:
        return self.args[1]

    def sigma(self) -> sp.Symbol:
        return self.args[2]

    def variables(self) -> set[sp.Symbol]:
        return {self.mass}

    def parameters(self) -> set[sp.Symbol]:
        return {, self.sigma}

    def evaluate(self) -> sp.Expr:
        return sp.exp(-((self.mass - ** 2) / self.sigma**2)

    def from_graph(
        cls, graph: StateTransitionGraph, edge_id: int
    ) -> RelativisticBreitWigner:
        edge_ids = determine_attached_final_state(graph, edge_id)
        final_state_ids = map(str, edge_ids)
        mass = sp.Symbol(f"m_{{{'+'.join(final_state_ids)}}}")
        particle, _ = graph.get_edge_props(edge_id)
        mass0 = sp.Symbol(Rf"\mu_{{{particle.latex}}}")
        gamma0 = sp.Symbol(Rf"\sigma_{{{particle.latex}}}")
        return cls(mass, mass0, gamma0)
x, mu, sigma = sp.symbols(R"x \mu \sigma")
Gauss(x, mu, w0)
\[\displaystyle Gauss\left(x, \mu, \Gamma\right)\]
Gauss(x, mu, sigma).doit()
\[\displaystyle e^{- \frac{\left(- \mu + x\right)^{2}}{\sigma^{2}}}\]

Issue with lambdify#

It’s not possible to plot a DynamicsExpr directly as long as no lambdify hook has been provided: doit() has to be executed first.

sp.plot(sp.Abs(rel_bw.subs({m0: 1, w0: 0.2})).doit(), (m, 0, 2));