10 #ifndef PWAEXCEPTIONS_H 11 #define PWAEXCEPTIONS_H 35 virtual const char *
const throw() {
return what_.c_str(); }
152 const std::string &error =
"Variable not within its limits!")
virtual ~WrongVariableID()
Exception(const Exception &e)
BadParameter(const char *error)
ParameterOutOfBound(const char *error)
WrongParType(const char *error)
BadIndex(const std::string &error)
Exception(const char *w="")
Input data file is corrupt or incomplete.
BadParameter(const std::string &error)
CorruptFile(const std::string &error)
TreeBuildError(const std::string &error="Tree can not be build!")
BadConfig(const char *error)
BeyondPhsp(const std::string &error="Data beyond phsp!")
cmplx FADDEEVA() w(cmplx z, double relerr)
BadConfig(const std::string &error)
BadIndex(const char *error)
BeyondPhsp(const char *error)
ParameterFixed(const char *error)
Exception & operator=(const Exception &rhs)
WrongVariableID(const std::string &error="Variable does not exist!")
ComPWA Exceptions base class.
ParameterOutOfBound(const std::string &error="Variable not within its limits!")
virtual ~ParameterFixed()
Exception(const std::string &w)
CorruptFile(const char *error)
Error in tree at construction.
Parameter cannot be changed.
TreeBuildError(const char *error)
WrongVariableID(const char *error)
virtual ~ParameterOutOfBound()
virtual ~TreeBuildError()
Data beyond phasespace requested.
ParameterFixed(const std::string &error="Parameter fixed")
WrongParType(const std::string &error="Parameter type wrong!")
virtual const char * what() const