Common Partial-Wave-Analysis Framework
Voigtian Namespace Reference

Voigtian is the convolution of a non-relativisitc Breit-Wigner with a Gaussian, see Wikipedia

\[ \mathrm{Voig}(x; \sigma, \gamma) = \int Gaus(x';\sigma)BW(x - x';gamma) dx' = Re[w(z)]/(\sigma\sqrt{2\pi}) and z = (x + i\gamma)/(\sigma\sqrt{s}) \]

In the calculation of voigt function, a Faddeeva Package this page is a package for computation of w(z)) is used to calculate w(z). More...

Detailed Description

Voigtian is the convolution of a non-relativisitc Breit-Wigner with a Gaussian, see Wikipedia

\[ \mathrm{Voig}(x; \sigma, \gamma) = \int Gaus(x';\sigma)BW(x - x';gamma) dx' = Re[w(z)]/(\sigma\sqrt{2\pi}) and z = (x + i\gamma)/(\sigma\sqrt{s}) \]

In the calculation of voigt function, a Faddeeva Package this page is a package for computation of w(z)) is used to calculate w(z).