Polarimetry in Λc⁺ → p K⁻ π⁺#
The polarimeter vector field for multibody decays of a spin-half baryon is introduced as a generalisation of the baryon asymmetry parameters. Using a recent amplitude analysis of the \(\Lambda^+_\mathrm{c} \to p K^- \pi^+\) decay performed at the LHCb experiment, we compute the distribution of the kinematic-dependent polarimeter vector for this process in the space of Mandelstam variables to express the polarised decay rate in a model-agnostic form. The obtained representation can facilitate polarisation measurements of the \(\Lambda^+_\mathrm{c}\) baryon and eases inclusion of the \(\Lambda^+_\mathrm{c} \to p K^- \pi^+\) decay mode in hadronic amplitude analyses.
Compute the amplitude model over large data samples with symbolic expressions.
Reuse the computed polarimeter field in any amplitude analysis involving \(\Lambda_\mathrm{c}^+\).
Investigate how parameters in the amplitude model affect the polarimeter field.
Learn how to determine the polarization vector using the polarimeter field.
This website shows all analysis results that led to the publication of LHCb-PAPER-2022-044. More information on this publication can be found on the following pages:
Publication on JHEP: J. High Energ. Phys. 2023, 228 (2023)
Publication on arXiv: arXiv:2301.07010
Record on CDS: cds.cern.ch/record/2838694
Record for the source code on Zenodo: 10.5281/zenodo.7544989
Archived documentation on GitLab Pages: lc2pkpi-polarimetry.docs.cern.ch
Archived repository on CERN GitLab: gitlab.cern.ch/polarimetry/Lc2pKpi
Active repository on GitHub containing discussions: github.com/ComPWA/polarimetry
Behind SSO login (LHCb members only)
LHCb TWiki page: twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/viewauth/LHCbPhysics/PolarimetryLc2pKpi
Charm WG meeting: indico.cern.ch/event/1187317
RC approval presentation: indico.cern.ch/event/1213570
Silent approval to submit: indico.cern.ch/event/1242323
Python package#
Each of the pages contain code examples for how to reproduce the results with the Python package hosted at github.com/ComPWA/polarimetry. However, to quickly get import the model in another package, it is possible to install the package from PyPI:
pip install polarimetry-lc2pkpi
Each of the models can then simply be imported as
import polarimetry
model = polarimetry.published_model("Default amplitude model")
For more examples of how to use the codebase, see the following pages.
Table of contents
- 1. Nominal amplitude model
- 2. Cross-check with LHCb data
- 3. Intensity distribution
- 4. Polarimeter vector field
- 5. Uncertainties
- 6. Average polarimeter per resonance
- 7. Appendix
- 7.1. Dynamics lineshapes
- 7.2. DPD angles
- 7.3. Phase space sample
- 7.4. Alignment consistency
- 7.5. Benchmarking
- 7.6. Polarimeter field serialization
- 7.7. Model serialization
- 7.8. Amplitude model with LS-couplings
- 7.9. SU(2) → SO(3) homomorphism
- 7.10. Determination of polarization
- 7.11. Interactive visualization
- 8. Bibliography
- 9. API
Figures for the paper can be downloaded here:
- Figure 2:
- Figure 3a:
- Figure 3b:
- Figure 4:
All other exported figures can be found here.
Notebook execution times
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