[ADR-001] Amplitude model#

  • Status: accepted

  • Deciders: @redeboer @spflueger

Context and problem statement#

From the perspective of a PWA fitter package, the responsibility of the expertsystem is to construct a AmplitudeModel that serves as blueprint for a function that can be evaluated. Such a function has the following requirements:

  1. It should be able to compute a list of real-valued intensities \(\mathbb{R}^m\) from a dataset of four-momenta \(\mathbb{R}^{m\times n\times4}\), where \(m\) is the number of events and \(n\) is the number of final state particles.

  2. It should contain parameters that can be tweaked, so that they can be optimized with regard to a certain estimator.

Technical story#

  • ComPWA/ampform#5: Coupling parameters in the AmplitudeModel is difficult (has to be done through the place where they are used in the dynamics or intensity section) and counter-intuitive (cannot be done through the parameters section)

  • ComPWA/expertsystem#440: when overwriting existing dynamics, old parameters are not cleaned up from the parameters section

  • ComPWA/expertsystem#441: parameters contain a name that can be changed, but that results in a mismatch between the key that is used in the parameters section and the name of the parameter to which that entry points.

  • ComPWA/ComPWA-legacy#226: Use a math language for the blueprint of the function. This was also discussed early to mid 2020, but dropped in favor of custom python code + amplitf. The reasoning was that the effort of writing some new math language plus generators converting a mathematical expression into a function (using various back-ends) requires too much manpower.

Decision drivers#

Solution requirements#

  1. The AmplitudeModel has to be convertible to a function which can be evaluated using various computation back-ends (numpy, tensorflow, theano, jax, …)

  2. Ideally, the model should be complete in the sense that it contains all information to construct the complete model. This means that some “common” functions like a Breit-Wigner and Blatt-Weisskopf form factors should also be contained inside the AmplitudeModel. This guarantees reproducibility!

  3. Adding new operators/models should not trigger many code modifications (open-closed principle), for instance adding new dynamics or formalisms.

  4. Extendible:

    • Add or replace current parts of an existing model. For example replace the dynamics part of some decay.

    • Change a function plus a dataset to an estimator function. This is a subtle but important point. The function should hide its details (which backend and its mathematical expression) and yet be extendable to an estimator.

  5. Definition and easy extraction of components. Components are certain sub-parts of the complete mathematical expression. This is at least needed for the calculation of fit fractions, or plotting individual parts of the intensity.

Considered solutions#

Customized Python classes#

Currently (v0.6.8), the AmplitudeModel contains five sections (instances of specific classes):

  • kinematics: defines initial and final state

  • particles: particle definitions (spin, etc.)

  • dynamics: a mapping that defines which dynamics type to apply to which particle

  • intensity: the actual amplitude model that is to be converted by a fitter package into a function as described above

  • parameters: an inventory of parameters that are used in intensity and dynamics

This structure can be represented in YAML, see an example here.

A fitter package converts intensity together with dynamics into a function. Any references to parameters that intensity or dynamics contain are converted into a parameter of the function. The parameters are initialized with the value as listed in the parameters section of the AmplitudeModel.

Alternative solutions#


Pros and Cons#

Customized Python classes (current state)#

  • Positive

    • “Faster” implementation / prototyping possible compared to python operators

    • No additional dependencies

  • Negative

    • Not open-closed to new models

    • Conversion to various back-ends not DRY

    • Function replacement or extension feature becomes very difficult to handle.

    • Model is not complete, since no complete mathematical description is used. For example Breit-Wigner functions are referred to directly and their implementations is not defined in the amplitude model.


  • Positive

    • Easy to render amplitude model as LaTeX

    • Model description is complete! Absolutely all information about the model is included. (reproducibility)

    • Follows open-closed principle. New models and formalism can be added without any changes to other interfacing components (here: tensorwaves)

    • Use lambdify to convert the expression to any back-end

    • Use Expr.subs (substitute) to couple parameters or replace components of the model, for instance to set custom dynamics

  • Negative

    • lambdify becomes a core dependency while its behavior cannot be modified, but is defined by sympy.

    • Need to keep track of components in the expression tree with symbol mappings

Python’s operator library#

  • Positive

    • More control over different components of in the expression tree

    • More control over convert functionality to functions

    • No additional dependencies

  • Negative

    • Essentially re-inventing SymPy

Decision outcome#

Use SymPy. Initially, we leave the existing amplitude builders (modules helicity_decay and canonical_decay) alongside a SymPy implementation, so that it’s possible to compare the results. Once it turns out the this set-up results in the same results and a comparable performance, we replace the old amplitude builders with the new SymPy implementation.