Common Partial-Wave-Analysis Framework
ComPWA::Physics::Dynamics::Flatte Namespace Reference


struct  InputInfo


std::complex< double > flatteCouplingTerm (double sqrtS, double mR, double coupling, double massA, double massB, unsigned int J, double mesonRadius, std::shared_ptr< FormFactor > FormFactorFunctor)
 Helper function to calculate the coupling terms for the Flatte formular. More...
std::complex< double > dynamicalFunction (double mSq, double mR, double gA, std::complex< double > termA, std::complex< double > termB, std::complex< double > termC=std::complex< double >(0, 0))
 Dynamical function for two coupled channel approach. More...
std::complex< double > dynamicalFunction (double mSq, double mR, double massA1, double massA2, double gA, double massB1, double massB2, double couplingB, double massC1, double massC2, double couplingC, unsigned int L, double mesonRadius, std::shared_ptr< FormFactor > FormFactorFunctor)
 Dynamical function for two coupled channel approach. More...
std::shared_ptr< ComPWA::FunctionTree::TreeNodecreateFunctionTree (InputInfo Params, std::shared_ptr< ComPWA::FunctionTree::Value< std::vector< double >>> InvMassSquared)

Function Documentation

◆ createFunctionTree()

std::shared_ptr< TreeNode > ComPWA::Physics::Dynamics::Flatte::createFunctionTree ( InputInfo  Params,
std::shared_ptr< ComPWA::FunctionTree::Value< std::vector< double >>>  InvMassSquared 

Definition at line 17 of file Flatte.cpp.

◆ dynamicalFunction() [1/2]

std::complex<double> ComPWA::Physics::Dynamics::Flatte::dynamicalFunction ( double  mSq,
double  mR,
double  gA,
std::complex< double >  termA,
std::complex< double >  termB,
std::complex< double >  termC = std::complex<double>(0, 0) 

Dynamical function for two coupled channel approach.

mSqcenter-of-mass energy^2 (=s)
mRmass of resonances
gAcoupling constant for signal channel
termACoupling term to signal channel
termBCoupling term to second channel
termCCoupling term to third channel (optional)

Definition at line 61 of file Flatte.hpp.

◆ dynamicalFunction() [2/2]

std::complex<double> ComPWA::Physics::Dynamics::Flatte::dynamicalFunction ( double  mSq,
double  mR,
double  massA1,
double  massA2,
double  gA,
double  massB1,
double  massB2,
double  couplingB,
double  massC1,
double  massC2,
double  couplingC,
unsigned int  L,
double  mesonRadius,
std::shared_ptr< FormFactor FormFactorFunctor 

Dynamical function for two coupled channel approach.

mSqcenter-of-mass energy^2 (=s)
mRmass of resonances
massA1mass of first particle of signal channel
massA2mass of second particle of signal channel
gAcoupling constant for signal channel
massB1mass of first particle of second channel
massB2mass of second particle of second channel
couplingBcoupling constant for second channel
massC1mass of first particle of third channel
massC2mass of third particle of third channel
couplingCcoupling constant for third channel
LOrbital angular momentum between two daughters a and b
mesonRadius1/interaction length (needed for barrier factors)
FormFactorFunctorfunctor of the form factor

Definition at line 102 of file Flatte.hpp.

◆ flatteCouplingTerm()

std::complex<double> ComPWA::Physics::Dynamics::Flatte::flatteCouplingTerm ( double  sqrtS,
double  mR,
double  coupling,
double  massA,
double  massB,
unsigned int  J,
double  mesonRadius,
std::shared_ptr< FormFactor FormFactorFunctor 

Helper function to calculate the coupling terms for the Flatte formular.

Definition at line 26 of file Flatte.hpp.