Common Partial-Wave-Analysis Framework
ComPWA::Physics::Dynamics Namespace Reference




class  BlattWeisskopfFormFactor
 Blatt-Weisskopf form factors with normalization F(x=mR) = 1. More...
class  BreitWignerStrategy
class  Coupling
class  CrystalBarrelFormFactor
 Form factor for a0(980) used by Crystal Barrel (Phys.Rev.D78-074023) More...
class  FlatteStrategy
class  FormFactor
 Defines interface for form factors It should be noted that when exchanging various form factor implementations in the code, no correctness of the mathematical description is guaranteed. More...
class  FormFactorStrategy
struct  InputInfo
class  NoFormFactor
class  VoigtianStrategy


std::complex< double > couplingToWidth (double mR, double g, std::complex< double > gamma, std::complex< double > phspFactor)
 Convert width to complex coupling. More...
std::complex< double > widthToCoupling (double mR, double width, std::complex< double > gamma, std::complex< double > phspFactor)
 Convert width to complex coupling. More...
std::shared_ptr< ComPWA::FunctionTree::TreeNodecreateFunctionTree (std::shared_ptr< ComPWA::FunctionTree::Value< std::vector< double >>> InvMassSquaredDaughter1, std::shared_ptr< ComPWA::FunctionTree::Value< std::vector< double >>> InvMassSquaredDaughter2, std::shared_ptr< ComPWA::FunctionTree::FitParameter > MesonRadius, unsigned int L, std::shared_ptr< FormFactor > FormFactorFunctor, std::shared_ptr< ComPWA::FunctionTree::Value< std::vector< double >>> InvMassSquared)
double qSquared (double S, double sqrtSA, double sqrtSB)
 Calculate Break-up momentum squared. More...
double phspFactor (double sqrtS, double ma, double mb)
std::complex< double > phspFactorAC (double sqrtS, double ma, double mb)
 Two body phsp factor. More...
std::complex< double > qValueAC (double sqrtS, double ma, double mb)
 Calculate Break-up momentum. More...

Function Documentation

◆ couplingToWidth()

std::complex<double> ComPWA::Physics::Dynamics::couplingToWidth ( double  mR,
double  g,
std::complex< double >  gamma,
std::complex< double >  phspFactor 

Convert width to complex coupling.

This is the implementation of PDG2014, Chapter 47.2, Eq. 47.21 (inverted).

Definition at line 18 of file Coupling.hpp.

◆ createFunctionTree()

std::shared_ptr< ComPWA::FunctionTree::TreeNode > ComPWA::Physics::Dynamics::createFunctionTree ( std::shared_ptr< ComPWA::FunctionTree::Value< std::vector< double >>>  InvMassSquaredDaughter1,
std::shared_ptr< ComPWA::FunctionTree::Value< std::vector< double >>>  InvMassSquaredDaughter2,
std::shared_ptr< ComPWA::FunctionTree::FitParameter MesonRadius,
unsigned int  L,
std::shared_ptr< FormFactor FormFactorFunctor,
std::shared_ptr< ComPWA::FunctionTree::Value< std::vector< double >>>  InvMassSquared 

Definition at line 17 of file FormFactor.cpp.

◆ phspFactor()

double ComPWA::Physics::Dynamics::phspFactor ( double  sqrtS,
double  ma,
double  mb 

Definition at line 32 of file FormFactor.hpp.

◆ phspFactorAC()

std::complex<double> ComPWA::Physics::Dynamics::phspFactorAC ( double  sqrtS,
double  ma,
double  mb 

Two body phsp factor.

From PDG2014 Eqn.47-2

sqrtSinvariant mass of particles A and B
maMass of particle A
mbMass of particle B

Definition at line 42 of file FormFactor.hpp.

◆ qSquared()

double ComPWA::Physics::Dynamics::qSquared ( double  S,
double  sqrtSA,
double  sqrtSB 

Calculate Break-up momentum squared.

At energy S for particles with masses sqrtSA and sqrtSB. From PDG2014 Eq.46-20a.

Ssquared invariant mass of decaying system
sqrtSAinvariant mass of decay product A
sqrtSBinvariant mass of decay product B

Definition at line 24 of file FormFactor.hpp.

◆ qValueAC()

std::complex<double> ComPWA::Physics::Dynamics::qValueAC ( double  sqrtS,
double  ma,
double  mb 

Calculate Break-up momentum.

At energy sqrtS for particles with masses ma and mb. From PDG2014 Eq.46-20a. Below threshold the function is analytically continued.

sqrtScenter-of-mass energy
mamass particle A
mbmass particle B

Definition at line 95 of file FormFactor.hpp.

◆ widthToCoupling()

std::complex<double> ComPWA::Physics::Dynamics::widthToCoupling ( double  mR,
double  width,
std::complex< double >  gamma,
std::complex< double >  phspFactor 

Convert width to complex coupling.

The form factor formFactorR, the normalized vertex function gamma (both evaluated at the resonance pole) and the phspFactor (evaluated at sqrt(s)) can be passed in order to save computation time. This is the implementation of PDG2014, Chapter 47.2, Eq. 47.21. See also widthToCoupling(double mSq, double mR, double width, double ma, double mb, double spin, double mesonRadius, formFactorType type)

Definition at line 43 of file Coupling.hpp.