Common Partial-Wave-Analysis Framework
▼NComPWA | |
▼NData | |
►NAscii | |
►NEvtGen | |
►NRoot | Namespace with read/write functions for ROOT files |
CDataSet | |
▼NEstimator | |
►NChiOneD | |
CEstimator | This class template provides the interface to implementations, which estimate the "closeness" of a Function to a data set, with respect to the parameters of the Function |
CMinLogLH | Negative Log Likelihood-Estimator |
CSumMinLogLH | Calculates the combined likelihood of multiple MinLogLH |
▼NFunctionTree | |
CAbsSquare | |
CAddAll | Calculates the square root of input double values and double parameters |
CComplexConjugate | |
CComplexify | |
CExp | |
CFitParameter | |
CFunctionTreeEstimator | |
CFunctionTreeIntensity | |
CInverse | Calculates the inverse of input double values and double parameters |
CKahanSummation | |
CLogOf | |
CMultAll | |
CParameter | Base class for internal parameter |
CParameterList | This class provides a list of parameters and values of different types |
CParObserver | ParObserver Base class parameter observer |
CPow | |
CSquareRoot | Calculates the square root of input double values and double parameters |
CStrategy | Virtual base class for operations of FunctionTree nodes |
CTreeNode | TreeNode is the basic building block of the FunctionTree |
CValue | |
▼NOptimizer | |
►NGeneva | |
►NMinuit2 | |
COptimizer | This class template provides the interface to optimization libraries |
▼NPhysics | |
►NDynamics | |
►NEvtGen | |
►NHelicityFormalism | |
CIntegrationSample | |
►CIntensityBuilderXML | |
CParticleStateTransitionKinematicsInfo | |
CSubSystem | Definition of a two-body decay node within a sequential decay tree |
CTwoBodyDecayInfo | |
▼NTools | |
►NAdapter | |
►NPlotting | |
CFitFraction | |
►CFitFractions | |
CKahanSummation | |
CBadConfig | Config is not complete |
CBadIndex | Index out of range |
CBadParameter | Parameter not existing |
CBeyondPhsp | Data beyond phasespace requested |
CCorruptFile | Input data file is corrupt or incomplete |
CEfficiency | Base class for efficiency description over the phase space |
CEvent | Data structure containing all kinematic information of a physics event |
CEventCollection | |
CException | ComPWA Exceptions base class |
CFitParameter | |
CFitResult | Data structure which resembles a general fit result |
CFourMomentum | ComPWA four momentum class |
CFunction | Interface template for a general Function of the form OutputType Function(InputTypes) The concept closely follows the mathematical definition of a function/mapping |
CKinematics | The Kinematics interface defines the conversion of Events to a DataSet |
CLogging | Logging class provides an interface for logging all over the framework |
CParameter | |
CParameterFixed | Parameter cannot be changed |
CParameterOutOfBound | Parameter out of bound |
CParticleProperties | |
CPhaseSpaceEventGenerator | Interface class for PHSP event generators |
CProgressBar | |
CResolution | |
CStdUniformRealGenerator | |
CTableFormatter | |
CTreeBuildError | Error in tree at construction |
CUniformRealNumberGenerator | |
CUnitEfficiency | Efficiency object with unit efficiency all over the phase space |
CWrongParType | Parameter of wrong type |
CWrongVariableID | Variable not found |
CZeroResolution | |
CBoolTranslator | |
CChiOneD | Simple ![]() |
CEnergyParameters | |
CGenevaIF | Wrapper of the Geneva Optimizer library |
CUniformRealDistribution | Interface class for generating random doubles in the range [0,1) |