Common Partial-Wave-Analysis Framework
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 NRootNamespace with read/write functions for ROOT files
 CEstimatorThis class template provides the interface to implementations, which estimate the "closeness" of a Function to a data set, with respect to the parameters of the Function
 CMinLogLHNegative Log Likelihood-Estimator
 CSumMinLogLHCalculates the combined likelihood of multiple MinLogLH
 CAddAllCalculates the square root of input double values and double parameters
 CInverseCalculates the inverse of input double values and double parameters
 CParameterBase class for internal parameter
 CParameterListThis class provides a list of parameters and values of different types
 CParObserverParObserver Base class parameter observer
 CSquareRootCalculates the square root of input double values and double parameters
 CStrategyVirtual base class for operations of FunctionTree nodes
 CTreeNodeTreeNode is the basic building block of the FunctionTree
 COptimizerThis class template provides the interface to optimization libraries
 CSubSystemDefinition of a two-body decay node within a sequential decay tree
 CBadConfigConfig is not complete
 CBadIndexIndex out of range
 CBadParameterParameter not existing
 CBeyondPhspData beyond phasespace requested
 CCorruptFileInput data file is corrupt or incomplete
 CEfficiencyBase class for efficiency description over the phase space
 CEventData structure containing all kinematic information of a physics event
 CExceptionComPWA Exceptions base class
 CFitResultData structure which resembles a general fit result
 CFourMomentumComPWA four momentum class
 CFunctionInterface template for a general Function of the form OutputType Function(InputTypes) The concept closely follows the mathematical definition of a function/mapping
 CKinematicsThe Kinematics interface defines the conversion of Events to a DataSet
 CLoggingLogging class provides an interface for logging all over the framework
 CParameterFixedParameter cannot be changed
 CParameterOutOfBoundParameter out of bound
 CPhaseSpaceEventGeneratorInterface class for PHSP event generators
 CTreeBuildErrorError in tree at construction
 CUnitEfficiencyEfficiency object with unit efficiency all over the phase space
 CWrongParTypeParameter of wrong type
 CWrongVariableIDVariable not found
 CChiOneDSimple $\chi^{2}$-Estimator
 CGenevaIFWrapper of the Geneva Optimizer library
 CUniformRealDistributionInterface class for generating random doubles in the range [0,1)