
Deprecated since version 0.1.3: Use QRules, AmpForm, and TensorWaves instead.


Import Pawian data files.

For more information, see the Pawian website. The functions in this module contain several logical statements for backward compatibility to ASCII files without header.

read_ascii(filename, particles=None, **kwargs)[source]

Import from a Pawian-like ASCII file.

  • particles – Interpretation for the tuples. This argument is required if there are no weights. Provide either the number of particles or a list of particles.

  • kwargs – Optional, additional arguments that are passed on to pandas.read_table.

read_hists_file(filename: str, type_name: str = 'data')[source]

Import one of the momentum tuple branches of a pawianHists.root file.


There are slight differences in ROOT files that were written with ROOT5 versus those from ROOT6, but this function takes care of that.

  • filename (str) – path to the ROOT file you want to import.

  • type_name (str, optional) – "data" or "fit".

write_ascii(frame: DataFrame, filename: str, **kwargs)[source]

Write pandas.DataFrame to a Pawian-like ASCII file.

  • frame (pandas.DataFrame) – The frame that you want to export. Should be formatted according to the standards set by the PwaAccessor.

  • filename (str) – Path of the output file. Usually has the extension dat.

  • kwargs – Optional, additional arguments that are passed on to pandas.DataFrame.to_csv().