
Deprecated since version 0.1.3: Use QRules, AmpForm, and TensorWaves instead.

import pycompwa.expertsystem

PWA Expert System.

The goal is to build state transition graphs, going from an initial state to a final state. A state transition graph consists of nodes and edges/lines (in correspondence to feynman graphs):

  • The connection lines we call particle lines, which are basically a list of quantum numbers (QN) that define the particle state (That list can be empty at first).

  • The nodes are of type InteractionNode, that contain all information for the transition of this specific step. An interaction node has M ingoing lines and \(N\) outgoing lines (\(M,N \in \mathbb{Z}\) and \(M>0, N>0\)).

The concept of building graphs is as follows:

  • Step 1: Building of all possible topologies. A topology is a graph, in which the edges and nodes are empty (no QN information). See the topology sub-modules.

  • Step 2: Filling the topology graphs with QN information. This means initializing the topology graphs with the initial and final state quantum numbers and propagating these through the complete graph. Here also the combinatorics of the initial and final state should be taken into account.

  • Step 3: Duplicate the graphs and insert concrete particles for the edges (inserting the mass variable)

  • Step 4: Output to XML model file.

Submodules and Subpackages