Lecture 12 – Phase space simulation

Lecture 12 – Phase space simulation#

How to perform a phase space simulation with Python?

Prepare the notebook by importing numpy, matplotlib.pyplot, and pylorentz and download the data file (CSV format) from Google Drive.

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import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import phasespace
import tensorflow as tf
from pylorentz import Momentum4
WARNING: All log messages before absl::InitializeLog() is called are written to STDERR
E0000 00:00:1736414516.433279    2612 cuda_dnn.cc:8310] Unable to register cuDNN factory: Attempting to register factory for plugin cuDNN when one has already been registered
E0000 00:00:1736414516.437499    2612 cuda_blas.cc:1418] Unable to register cuBLAS factory: Attempting to register factory for plugin cuBLAS when one has already been registered

Two-body decay#

Let’s start with a simple two body decay at rest: \(B^0\rightarrow K^+\pi^-\).

B0_MASS = 5279.65
PION_MASS = 139.57018
KAON_MASS = 493.677
n_events = 100_000

decay = phasespace.nbody_decay(B0_MASS, [PION_MASS, KAON_MASS])
weights, four_momenta = decay.generate(n_events=n_events)
WARNING: All log messages before absl::InitializeLog() is called are written to STDERR
I0000 00:00:1736414523.189034    2635 service.cc:148] XLA service 0x7f4a7c005bd0 initialized for platform Host (this does not guarantee that XLA will be used). Devices:
I0000 00:00:1736414523.189076    2635 service.cc:156]   StreamExecutor device (0): Host, Default Version
I0000 00:00:1736414523.211649    2638 device_compiler.h:188] Compiled cluster using XLA!  This line is logged at most once for the lifetime of the process.

The simulation produces a dictionary (four_momenta) of tf.Tensor objects. Each object can be addressed with particles['p_i'], where i is the number of the \(i\)-th generated particle.

{'p_0': <tf.Tensor: shape=(100000, 4), dtype=float64, numpy=
 array([[-2368.37700834,  -657.00625364,  -892.55908434,  2618.58901417],
        [ 1347.22139957,   100.28769769,  2238.8536058 ,  2618.58901417],
        [  936.00189119, -1476.04140015, -1944.92437763,  2618.58901417],
        [-2467.17842672,   472.63609238,  -726.06771372,  2618.58901417],
        [ -435.82848135,  1388.29396754, -2172.60718597,  2618.58901417],
        [ 2222.49267546,   241.63500897, -1356.34340046,  2618.58901417]])>,
 'p_1': <tf.Tensor: shape=(100000, 4), dtype=float64, numpy=
 array([[ 2368.37700834,   657.00625364,   892.55908434,  2661.06098583],
        [-1347.22139957,  -100.28769769, -2238.8536058 ,  2661.06098583],
        [ -936.00189119,  1476.04140015,  1944.92437763,  2661.06098583],
        [ 2467.17842672,  -472.63609238,   726.06771372,  2661.06098583],
        [  435.82848135, -1388.29396754,  2172.60718597,  2661.06098583],
        [-2222.49267546,  -241.63500897,  1356.34340046,  2661.06098583]])>}

Each tf.Tensor can be converted to a NumPy array, which can then be converted to a pylorentz.

def to_lorentz(p: tf.Tensor) -> Momentum4:
    p = p.numpy().T
    return Momentum4(p[3], *p[:3])
pion = to_lorentz(four_momenta["p_0"])
kaon = to_lorentz(four_momenta["p_1"])

These objects can be used to do kinematic computations. Let’s first verify that the invariant mass of the kaon+pion system corresponds to the mass of the mother \(B^0\):

B0 = pion + kaon
np.testing.assert_almost_equal(B0.m.mean(), B0_MASS)

Let’s also plot the momentum components of the two daugther particles.

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fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 4, tight_layout=True, figsize=(11, 3.5))
ax[0].hist(B0.m, bins=100, color="CornFlowerBlue", range=(5279, 5280))
ax[0].set_xlabel(R"i.m.($\pi$K) [MeV/$c^2$]")
ax[0].set_title("(pion-kaon) i.m. \n")

ax[1].hist(kaon.p_x, bins=70, color="lightcoral", hatch="//")
ax[1].set_xlabel("$p_x$ [MeV/$c$]")
ax[1].set_title("x mom. component \n")

ax[2].hist(kaon.p_y, bins=70, color="lightcoral", hatch="//")
ax[2].set_xlabel("$p_y$ [MeV/$c$]")
ax[2].set_title("y mom. component \n")

ax[3].hist(kaon.p_z, bins=70, color="lightcoral", hatch="//")
ax[3].set_xlabel("$p_z$ [MeV/$c$]")
ax[3].set_title("z mom. component \n")

But it’s monochromatic!! of course it is… it’s a decay at rest. The momentum components are uniformly distributed in the available phase space.

Three-body decay#

Let’s consider now a three body decay like \(B^0\rightarrow K^+\pi^-\pi^0\) and repeat the plot of the relevant kinematic variables. We can also make Dalitz plots this time.

n_events = 50_000
PION0_MASS = 134.9766
decay = phasespace.nbody_decay(B0_MASS, [PION_MASS, PION0_MASS, KAON_MASS])
weights, four_momenta = decay.generate(n_events=n_events)
pim = to_lorentz(four_momenta["p_0"])
pi0 = to_lorentz(four_momenta["p_1"])
kaon = to_lorentz(four_momenta["p_2"])
s1 = (kaon + pim).m2
s2 = (kaon + pi0).m2
s3 = (pim + pi0).m2
Hide code cell source
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, tight_layout=True, figsize=(12, 3.5))
f0 = ax[0].hist2d(s1, s3, bins=70, cmap="turbo", cmin=1)
fig.colorbar(f0[3], ax=ax[0])
ax[0].set_xlabel(R"i.m.$^2(\pi^-K^+)$ [(MeV/$c^2)^2]$")
ax[0].set_ylabel(R"i.m.$^2(\pi^-\pi^0)$ [(MeV/$c^2)^2]$")

f1 = ax[1].hist2d(s2, s3, bins=70, cmap="turbo", cmin=1)
fig.colorbar(f1[3], ax=ax[1])
ax[1].set_xlabel(R"i.m.$^2(\pi^0K^+)$ [(MeV/$c^2)^2]$")
ax[1].set_ylabel(R"i.m.$^2(\pi^-\pi^0)$ [(MeV/$c^2)^2]$")

f2 = ax[2].hist2d(s1, s2, bins=70, cmap="turbo", cmin=1)
fig.colorbar(f2[3], ax=ax[2])
ax[2].set_xlabel(R"i.m.$^2(\pi^-K^+)$ [(MeV/$c^2)^2]$")
ax[2].set_ylabel(R"i.m.$^2(\pi^0K^+)$ [(MeV/$c^2)^2]$")

Decay chain#

The phasespace package allows to treat also multiple decays. Let’s consider the \(B^0\rightarrow K^{\ast 0}\gamma\) decay, followed by \(K^{\ast 0}\rightarrow \pi^-K^+\). It can be simulated using the following procedure:

from phasespace import GenParticle

B0_MASS = 5279.65
K0STAR_MASS = 895.55
PION_MASS = 139.57018
KAON_MASS = 493.677

Kp = GenParticle("K+", KAON_MASS)
pim = GenParticle("pi-", PION_MASS)
Kstar = GenParticle("KStar", K0STAR_MASS).set_children(Kp, pim)
gamma = GenParticle("gamma", GAMMA_MASS)
B0 = GenParticle("B0", B0_MASS).set_children(Kstar, gamma)

weights, four_momenta = B0.generate(n_events=100_000)
{'KStar': <tf.Tensor: shape=(100000, 4), dtype=float64, numpy=
 array([[ -746.5937948 ,   988.37009454, -2244.80784014,  2715.77793272],
        [ 2304.64546908,  -841.26531644,  -744.52797568,  2715.77793272],
        [ -993.9735021 , -1899.06122562, -1406.77756445,  2715.77793272],
        [ -685.06189646,  -669.01146096, -2378.35107595,  2715.77793272],
        [-2314.93093728, -1080.13656387,   218.72296722,  2715.77793272],
        [ -586.05936993,  -832.6562158 ,  2353.01041616,  2715.77793272]])>,
 'gamma': <tf.Tensor: shape=(100000, 4), dtype=float64, numpy=
 array([[  746.5937948 ,  -988.37009454,  2244.80784014,  2563.87206728],
        [-2304.64546908,   841.26531644,   744.52797568,  2563.87206728],
        [  993.9735021 ,  1899.06122562,  1406.77756445,  2563.87206728],
        [  685.06189646,   669.01146096,  2378.35107595,  2563.87206728],
        [ 2314.93093728,  1080.13656387,  -218.72296722,  2563.87206728],
        [  586.05936993,   832.6562158 , -2353.01041616,  2563.87206728]])>,
 'K+': <tf.Tensor: shape=(100000, 4), dtype=float64, numpy=
 array([[ -187.82018121,   294.52034786, -1132.599863  ,  1283.94629396],
        [ 1438.61380419,  -822.53715364,  -412.52474549,  1777.65876723],
        [ -782.44710744, -1390.72832789, -1344.76442198,  2144.40133578],
        [ -344.99343305,  -292.68868705, -1861.57043563,  1978.34491521],
        [-2050.36686517,  -796.78731489,   354.07352008,  2282.09538471],
        [  -81.07258473,  -330.43025618,   783.42477432,   986.52332742]])>,
 'pi-': <tf.Tensor: shape=(100000, 4), dtype=float64, numpy=
 array([[ -558.77361359,   693.84974668, -1112.20797714,  1431.83163877],
        [  866.03166489,   -18.7281628 ,  -332.00323019,   938.1191655 ],
        [ -211.52639466,  -508.33289773,   -62.01314247,   571.37659695],
        [ -340.06846341,  -376.32277391,  -516.78064032,   737.43301751],
        [ -264.56407211,  -283.34924898,  -135.35055286,   433.68254801],
        [ -504.9867852 ,  -502.22595962,  1569.58564184,  1729.2546053 ]])>}
gamma = to_lorentz(four_momenta["gamma"])
pion = to_lorentz(four_momenta["pi-"])
kaon = to_lorentz(four_momenta["K+"])
Kstar = to_lorentz(four_momenta["KStar"])

Let’s build the Dalitz plots matching particle pairs. The particles measured in the final state are \(K^-,\; \pi^-\) and \(\gamma\).

s1 = (pion + kaon).m2
s2 = (gamma + kaon).m2
s3 = (gamma + pion).m2
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fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, tight_layout=True, figsize=(12, 3.5))

f0 = ax[0].hist2d(s1, s2, bins=70, cmap="turbo")
fig.colorbar(f0[3], ax=ax[0])
ax[0].set_xlabel(R"i.m.$^2(\pi^-K^+)$ [(MeV/$c^2)^2]$")
ax[0].set_ylabel(R"i.m.$^2(K^+\gamma)$ [(MeV/$c^2)^2]$")

f1 = ax[1].hist2d(s2, s3, bins=70, cmap="turbo")
fig.colorbar(f1[3], ax=ax[1])
ax[1].set_xlabel(R"i.m.$^2(K^+\gamma)$ [(MeV/$c^2)^2]$")
ax[1].set_ylabel(R"i.m.$^2(\pi^-\gamma)$ [(MeV/$c^2)^2]$")

f2 = ax[2].hist2d(s1, s3, bins=70, cmap="turbo")
fig.colorbar(f2[3], ax=ax[2])
ax[2].set_xlabel(R"i.m.$^2(\pi^-K^+)$ [(MeV/$c^2)^2]$")
ax[2].set_ylabel(R"i.m.$^2(\pi^-\gamma)$ [(MeV/$c^2)^2]$")

Width distribution#

These distributions aren’t so interesting, because the masses of each particle are one fixed value. So let’s simulate a more realistic \(K^\ast\) particle; not monochromatic, but with a width of 47 MeV.[1] The mass is extracted from a Gaussian distribution centered at the B0_MASS value and with \(\sigma = 47/2.36 \sim 20\) MeV. See more info on how to do this with the phasespace package here.

import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_probability as tfp

K0STAR_WIDTH = 47 / 2.36

def kstar_mass(min_mass, max_mass, n_events):
    min_mass = tf.cast(min_mass, tf.float64)
    max_mass = tf.cast(max_mass, tf.float64)
    kstar_mass_cast = tf.cast(K0STAR_MASS, dtype=tf.float64)
    tf.cast(K0STAR_WIDTH, tf.float64)
    tf.broadcast_to(kstar_mass_cast, shape=(n_events,))
    return tfp.distributions.TruncatedNormal(
K = GenParticle("K+", KAON_MASS)
pion = GenParticle("pi-", PION_MASS)
Kstar = GenParticle("KStar", kstar_mass).set_children(K, pion)
gamma = GenParticle("gamma", GAMMA_MASS)
B0 = GenParticle("B0", B0_MASS).set_children(Kstar, gamma)
weights, four_momenta = B0.generate(n_events=100_000)
gamma = to_lorentz(four_momenta["gamma"])
pion = to_lorentz(four_momenta["pi-"])
kaon = to_lorentz(four_momenta["K+"])
Kstar = to_lorentz(four_momenta["KStar"])

Now you have all the 4-vectors to plot the invariant mass distributions for the different steps of the decay chains.

s1 = (pion + kaon).m2
s2 = (gamma + kaon).m2
s3 = (gamma + pion).m2
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fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, tight_layout=True, figsize=(12, 3.5))
f0 = ax[0].hist2d(s1, s2, bins=70, cmap="rainbow")
fig.colorbar(f0[3], ax=ax[0])
ax[0].set_xlabel(R"i.m.$^2(\pi^-K^+)$ [(MeV/$c^2)^2]$")
ax[0].set_ylabel(R"i.m.$^2(K^+\gamma)$ [(MeV/$c^2)^2]$")

f1 = ax[1].hist2d(s2, s3, bins=70, cmap="rainbow")
fig.colorbar(f1[3], ax=ax[1])
ax[1].set_xlabel(R"i.m.$^2(K^+\gamma)$ [(MeV/$c^2)^2]$")
ax[1].set_ylabel(R"i.m.$^2(\pi^-\gamma)$ [(MeV/$c^2)^2]$")

f2 = ax[2].hist2d(s1, s3, bins=70, cmap="rainbow")
fig.colorbar(f2[3], ax=ax[2])
ax[2].set_xlabel(R"i.m.$^2(\pi^-K^+)$ [(MeV/$c^2)^2]$")
ax[2].set_ylabel(R"i.m.$^2(\pi^-\gamma)$ [(MeV/$c^2)^2]$")