Common Partial-Wave-Analysis Framework
▼NComPWA | |
▼NData | |
NAscii | |
NEvtGen | |
NRoot | Namespace with read/write functions for ROOT files |
▼NEstimator | |
NChiOneD | |
NFunctionTree | |
▼NOptimizer | |
NGeneva | |
NMinuit2 | |
▼NPhysics | |
▼NDynamics | |
NFlatte | |
NRelativisticBreitWigner | |
NVoigtian | |
NEvtGen | |
▼NHelicityFormalism | |
NWignerD | Angular distribution based on WignerD functions |
▼NTools | |
▼NAdapter | |
NPlotting | |
NUtils | |
Nstd | |
NVoigtian | Voigtian is the convolution of a non-relativisitc Breit-Wigner with a Gaussian, see Wikipedia
In the calculation of voigt function, a Faddeeva Package this page is a package for computation of w(z)) is used to calculate w(z) |