This report investigates how to implement \(K\)-matrix dynamics with SymPy. We here describe only the version that is not Lorentz-invariant, because it is simplest and allows us to check whether the case \(n_R=1, n=1\) (single resonance, single channel) reduces to a Breit-Wigner function. We followed the physics as described by PDG2020, §Resonances and [Chung et al., 1995, Peters, 2004, Meyer, 2008]. For the Lorentz-invariant version, see TR-009.
A brief overview of the origin of the \(\boldsymbol{K}\)-matrix is given first. This overview follows [Chung et al., 1995], but skips over quite a few details, as this is only an attempt to provide some context of what is going on.
Show code cell content
from __future__ import annotations
import warnings
from pathlib import Path
import graphviz
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import mpl_interactions.ipyplot as iplt
import numpy as np
import symplot
import sympy as sp
from IPython.display import Math, display
from ipywidgets import widgets as ipywidgets
from mpl_interactions.controller import Controls
The \(\boldsymbol{K}\)-matrix formalism is used to describe coupled, two-body scattering processes of the type \(c_id_i \to R \to a_ib_i\), with \(i\) representing each separate channel and \(R\) a number of resonances that these channels have in common.
Show code cell source
dot = """
digraph {
node [shape=point, width=0];
edge [arrowhead=none];
"Na" [shape=none, label="aᵢ"];
"Nb" [shape=none, label="bᵢ"];
"Nc" [shape=none, label="cᵢ"];
"Nd" [shape=none, label="dᵢ"];
{ rank=same "Nc", "Nd" };
{ rank=same "Na", "Nb" };
"Nc" -> "N0";
"Nd" -> "N0";
"N1" -> "Na";
"N1" -> "Nb";
"N0" -> "N1" [label="R"];
"N0" [shape=none, label=""];
"N1" [shape=none, label=""];
graph = graphviz.Source(dot)
Partial wave expansion#
In amplitude analysis, the main aim is to express the differential cross section \(\frac{d\sigma}{d\Omega}\) (that is, the intensity distribution in each spherical direction \(\Omega=(\phi,\theta)\) as we can observe in experiments). This differential cross section can be expressed in terms of the scattering amplitude \(A\) as:
We can now further express \(A\) in terms of partial wave amplitudes by splitting it up in terms of its angular momentum components \(J\):
with \(\lambda=\lambda_a-\lambda_b\) and \(\mu=\lambda_c-\lambda_d\) the helicity differences of the final and initial states \(ab,cd\).
The above sketch is just with one channel in mind, but the same holds true though for a number of channels \(n\), with the only difference that the \(T\) operator becomes a \(\boldsymbol{T}\)-matrix of rank \(n\).
Transition operator#
The important point is that we have now expressed \(A\) in terms of an angular part (depending on \(\Omega\)) and a dynamical part \(\boldsymbol{T}\) that depends on the Mandelstam variable \(s\).
The dynamical part \(\boldsymbol{T}\) is usually called the transition operator. The reason is that it describes the interacting part of the scattering operator \(\boldsymbol{S}\), which describes the (complex) amplitude \(\langle f|\boldsymbol{S}|i\rangle\) of an initial state \(|i\rangle\) transitioning to a final state \(|f\rangle\). The scattering operator describes both the non-interacting amplitude and the transition amplitude, so it relates to the transition operator as:[1]
with \(\boldsymbol{I}\) the identity operator. With this in mind, there is an important restriction that the \(T\)-operator needs to comply with: unitarity. This means that \(\boldsymbol{S}\) should conserve probability, namely \(\boldsymbol{S}^\dagger\boldsymbol{S} = \boldsymbol{I}\).
K-matrix formalism#
Now there is a trick to ensure unitarity of \(\boldsymbol{S}\). We can express \(\boldsymbol{S}\) in terms of an operator \(\boldsymbol{K}\) by applying a Cayley transformation:
Unitarity is conserved if \(K\) is real. Finally, the \(\boldsymbol{T}\)-matrix can be expressed in terms of \(\boldsymbol{K}\) as follows:
The challenge is now to choose a correct parametrization for the elements of \(\boldsymbol{K}\) so that it correctly describes the resonances we observe. There are several choices, but a common one is the following summation over the resonances \(R\):
with \(g_{R,i}\) the residue functions that can be further expressed as
The challenge is to generate a correct parametrization for an arbitrary number of coupled channels \(n\) and an arbitrary number of resonances \(n_R\). Our approach is to construct an \(n \times n\) sympy.Matrix
with Symbol
s as its elements. We then use substitute these Symbol
s with certain parametrizations using subs()
. In order to generate symbols for \(n_R\) resonances and \(n\) channels, we use indexed symbols.
This approach is less elegant and (theoretically) slower than using MatrixSymbol
s. That approach is explored in TR-007.
It would be nice to use a Symbol
to represent the number of channels \(n\) and specify its value later.
n_channels = sp.Symbol("n", integer=True, positive=True)
Unfortunately, this does not work well in the Matrix
class. We therefore set variables \(n\) to a specific int
value and define some other Symbol
s for the rest of the implementation.[2] The value we choose in this example is n_channels=1
, because we want to see if this reproduces a Breit-Wigner function.[3]
n_channels = 1
i, j, R, n_resonances = sp.symbols("i j R n_R", integer=True, negative=False)
m = sp.Symbol("m", real=True)
M = sp.IndexedBase("m", shape=(n_resonances,))
Gamma = sp.IndexedBase("Gamma", shape=(n_resonances,))
gamma = sp.IndexedBase("gamma", shape=(n_resonances, n_channels))
The parametrization of \(K_{ij}\) from Eq. (6) can be expressed as follows:
def Kij(
m: sp.Symbol,
M: sp.IndexedBase,
Gamma: sp.IndexedBase,
gamma: sp.IndexedBase,
i: int,
j: int,
n_resonances: int | sp.Symbol,
) -> sp.Expr:
g_i = gamma[R, i] * sp.sqrt(M[R] * Gamma[R])
g_j = gamma[R, j] * sp.sqrt(M[R] * Gamma[R])
parametrization = (g_i * g_j) / (M[R] ** 2 - m**2)
return sp.Sum(parametrization, (R, 0, n_resonances - 1))
Show code cell source
n_R = sp.Symbol("n_R")
kij = Kij(m, M, Gamma, gamma, i, j, n_R)
Math("K_{ij} = " + f"{sp.latex(kij)}")
We now define the \(\boldsymbol{K}\)-matrix in terms of a Matrix
with IndexedBase
instances as elements that can serve as Symbol
s. These Symbol
s will be substituted with the parametrization later. We could of course have inserted the parametrization directly, but this slows down matrix multiplication in the following steps.
The \(\boldsymbol{T}\)-matrix can now be computed from Eq. (5):
T = K * (sp.eye(n_channels) - sp.I * K).inv()
Next, we need to substitute the elements \(K_{i,j}\) with the parametrization we defined above:
It is important to perform doit()
after subs()
, otherwise the Sum
cannot be evaluated and there will be no warning of a failed substitution.
Now indeed, when taking \(n_R=1\), the resulting element from the \(\boldsymbol{T}\)-matrix looks like a Breit-Wigner function (compare relativistic_breit_wigner()
Show code cell source
n_resonances_val = 1
rel_bw = T_subs[0, 0].subs(n_resonances, n_resonances_val).doit()
if n_resonances_val == 1 or n == 2:
rel_bw = rel_bw.simplify()
The above procedure has been condensed into a function that can handle an arbitrary number of resonances and an arbitrary number of channels.
def create_symbol_matrix(name: str, n: int) -> sp.Matrix:
symbol = sp.IndexedBase("K", shape=(n, n))
return sp.Matrix([[symbol[i, j] for j in range(n)] for i in range(n)])
def k_matrix(n_resonances: int, n_channels: int) -> sp.Matrix:
# Define symbols
m = sp.Symbol("m", real=True)
M = sp.IndexedBase("m", shape=(n_resonances,))
Gamma = sp.IndexedBase("Gamma", shape=(n_resonances,))
gamma = sp.IndexedBase("gamma", shape=(n_resonances, n_channels))
# Define K-matrix and T-matrix
K = create_symbol_matrix("K", n_channels)
T = K * (sp.eye(n_channels) - sp.I * K).inv()
# Substitute elements
return T.subs({
K[i, j]: Kij(m, M, Gamma, gamma, i, j, n_resonances)
for i in range(n_channels)
for j in range(n_channels)
Single channel, single resonance:
k_matrix(n_resonances=1, n_channels=1)[0, 0].doit().simplify()
Single channel, \(n_R\) resonances
k_matrix(n_resonances=sp.Symbol("n_R"), n_channels=1)[0, 0]
Two channels, one resonance (Flatté function):
k_matrix(n_resonances=1, n_channels=2)[0, 0].doit().simplify()
Two channels, \(n_R\) resonances:
expr = k_matrix(n_resonances=sp.Symbol("n_R"), n_channels=2)[0, 0]
Math(sp.multiline_latex("", expr))
Now, let’s use matplotlib
, mpl_interactions
, and symplot
to visualize the \(\boldsymbol{K}\)-matrix for arbitrary \(n\) and \(n_R\).
Show code cell source
def plot_k_matrix(
n_channels: int,
n_resonances: int,
title: str = "",
) -> None:
# Convert to Symbol: symplot cannot handle IndexedBase
i = sp.Symbol("i", integer=True, negative=False)
expr = k_matrix(n_resonances, n_channels)[i, i].doit()
expr = symplot.substitute_indexed_symbols(expr)
np_expr, sliders = symplot.prepare_sliders(expr, plot_symbol=m)
symbol_to_arg = {symbol: arg for arg, symbol in sliders._arg_to_symbol.items()}
# Set plot domain
x_min, x_max = 1e-3, 3
y_min, y_max = -0.5, +0.5
plot_domain = np.linspace(x_min, x_max, num=500)
x_values = np.linspace(x_min, x_max, num=160)
y_values = np.linspace(y_min, y_max, num=80)
X, Y = np.meshgrid(x_values, y_values)
plot_domain_complex = X + Y * 1j
# Set slider values and ranges
m0_values = np.linspace(x_min, x_max, num=n_resonances + 2)
m0_values = m0_values[1:-1]
for R in range(n_resonances):
for i in range(n_channels):
"i": (0, n_channels - 1),
f"m{R}": (0, 3, 100),
f"Gamma{R}": (-1, 1, 100),
Rf"\gamma_{{{R},{i}}}": (0, 2, 100),
f"m{R}": m0_values[R],
f"Gamma{R}": (R + 1) * 0.1,
Rf"\gamma_{{{R},{i}}}": 1 - 0.1 * R + 0.1 * i,
# Create interactive plots
controls = Controls(**sliders)
fig, (ax_2d, ax_3d) = plt.subplots(
figsize=(8, 6),
fig.canvas.toolbar_visible = False
fig.canvas.header_visible = False
fig.canvas.footer_visible = False
if not title:
title = (
Rf"${n_channels} \times {n_channels}$ $K$-matrix"
f" with {n_resonances} resonances"
ax_3d.set_xlabel("Re $m$")
ax_3d.set_ylabel("Im $m$")
ax_3d.axhline(0, linewidth=0.5, c="black", linestyle="dotted")
# 2D plot
def plot(channel: int):
def wrapped(*args, **kwargs) -> sp.Expr:
kwargs = {k: v.value for k, v in kwargs.items()}
kwargs["i"] = channel
return np.abs(np_expr(*args, **kwargs)) ** 2
return wrapped
for i in range(n_channels):
label=f"channel {i}",
if n_channels > 1:
ax_2d.legend(loc="upper right")
mass_line_style = {
"c": "red",
"alpha": 0.3,
for name in controls.params:
if not name.startswith("m"):
iplt.axvline(sliders[name].value, ax=ax_2d, **mass_line_style)
# 3D plot
color_mesh = None
resonances_indicators = []
def plot3(*, z_cutoff, complex_rendering, **kwargs):
nonlocal color_mesh
Z = np_expr(plot_domain_complex, **kwargs)
if complex_rendering == "imag":
Z_values = Z.imag
ax_title = "Re $T$"
elif complex_rendering == "real":
Z_values = Z.real
ax_title = "Im $T$"
elif complex_rendering == "abs":
Z_values = np.abs(Z)
ax_title = "$|T|$"
raise NotImplementedError
if n_channels == 1:
i = kwargs["i"]
ax_3d.set_title(f"{ax_title}, channel {i}")
if color_mesh is None:
color_mesh = ax_3d.pcolormesh(X, Y, Z_values, cmap=plt.cm.coolwarm)
color_mesh.set_clim(vmin=-z_cutoff, vmax=+z_cutoff)
if resonances_indicators:
for R, (line, text) in enumerate(resonances_indicators):
mass = kwargs[f"m{R}"]
text.set_x(mass + (x_max - x_min) * 0.008)
for R in range(n_resonances):
mass = kwargs[f"m{R}"]
ax_3d.axvline(mass, **mass_line_style),
x=mass + (x_max - x_min) * 0.008,
y=0.95 * y_min,
# Create switch for imag/real/abs
name = "complex_rendering"
sliders._sliders[name] = ipywidgets.RadioButtons(
options=["imag", "real", "abs"],
description=R"\(s\)-plane plot",
sliders._arg_to_symbol[name] = name
# Create cut-off slider for z-direction
name = "z_cutoff"
sliders._sliders[name] = ipywidgets.FloatSlider(
sliders._arg_to_symbol[name] = name
# Create GUI
sliders_copy = dict(sliders)
h_boxes = []
for R in range(n_resonances):
buttons = [
if n_channels == 1:
dummy_name = symbol_to_arg[Rf"\gamma_{{{R},0}}"]
h_box = ipywidgets.HBox(buttons)
remaining_sliders = sorted(sliders_copy.values(), key=lambda s: s.description)
if n_channels == 1:
ui = ipywidgets.VBox(h_boxes + remaining_sliders)
output = ipywidgets.interactive_output(plot3, controls=sliders)
display(ui, output)
plot_k_matrix(n_resonances=3, n_channels=1)
plot_k_matrix(n_resonances=2, n_channels=2)